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Customized Hearing

All matters are appropriate for a customized hearing

When to use this service:

This process is appropriate for any matter. It can be whatever parties agree upon and can range from a private trial process to a fully written process and anything in between. It can be used to determine all issues in dispute arising from a separation, multi-issue matters, or for a single issue. The process and deadlines are set at a pre-arbitration telephone or video conference.


A pre-arbitration conference call is required – timelines will be issued during at this time.

Parties shall exchange disclosure.
Questioning process is optional.
Oral evidence is optional.

  1. A pre-arbitration conference is attended to determine the issues, set the pre-arbitration steps (such as the exchange of financial disclosure, Questioning for discovery, etc.), establish deadlines.
  2. The process set at the pre-arbitration hearing is followed and deadlines are strictly enforced, but can be extended by agreement or extenuating circumstances
  3. The Arbitrator will issue a binding written decision (an Arbitration Award)


The cost of a customized hearing depends on:

  • the process agreed upon or determined
  • the length of materials or the duration of the oral hearing (if an oral hearing is chosen)
  • the hourly rate of the decision-maker (arbitrator) chosen
  • the number of issues to be determined
  • the complexity of the issues to be determined

Tips for Written Evidence & Argument

  • Title the document, state your name, the other party’s name, and the children’s names and dates of birth (if applicable)
  • Clearly state the results you are seeking and the evidence you are relying on to support the result you are seeking
  • Do not refer to evidence that is not relevant to the result you are seeking
  • Any page limits for submissions and supporting documents will be strictly enforced, and the arbitrator has the authority to disregard irrelevant submissions