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Expedited Hearing

The arbitrator will review the matter and confirm whether or not it is appropriate for the arbitration process selected.

When to use this service:

The expedited hearing is appropriate to resolve disputes regarding single issues and time sensitive matters such as:

  • Interim parenting
  • Vacation and holiday time with children
  • Travel authorizations
  • Children’s health care, such as selection of health care professionals and therapeutic interventions
  • Children’s schooling, extracurricular activities, and religion
  • Section 7 expenses


  1. Conference call to determine issues and deadlines
  2. Written evidence only
  3. Parties do not have to attend in-person
  4. Applicant party submits a brief written statement of issues, evidence and argument with supporting documents
  5. Responding party submits a brief written statement in response of evidence and argument with supporting documents
  6. Applicant party has an opportunity to submit a brief rebuttal argument
  7. The arbitrator issues a binding written decision with abbreviated reasons


Rates depend on:

  • the hourly rate of the arbitrator (decision-maker) selected
  • the length of the materials submitted
  • the complexity of the issues to be determined

Tips for Written Evidence & Argument

  • Title the document, state your name, the other party’s name, and the children’s names and dates of birth (if applicable)
  • Clearly state the results you are seeking and the evidence you are relying on to support the result you are seeking
  • Do not refer to evidence that is not relevant to the result you are seeking
  • Any page limits for submissions and supporting documents will be strictly enforced, and the arbitrator has the authority to disregard irrelevant submissions