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Abbreviated Hearing

The arbitrator will review the matter and confirm whether or not it is appropriate for the arbitration process selected.

When to use this service:

The abbreviated hearing is appropriate for determining matters such as:

  • Regular parenting schedules
  • Parenting time over holidays
  • How decisions are made for children
  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Mobility applications
  • Division of certain assets and liabilities
  • Who gets to stay in the family home (exclusive use and possession)


  1. A pre-arbitration telephone conference is recommended
  2. Written evidence is required and oral evidence is optional
  3. The Applicant will submit a written statements and supporting documents
  4. The Responding party will submit written reply statement and supporting documents
  5. The Applicant will submit a response to the responding party’s statement
  6. Parties have the option to give oral or written arguments
  7. The Arbitrator will issue a binding written decision (an Arbitration Award)


Pricing depends on:

  • the hourly rate of the decision-maker (arbitrator) selected
  • the length of the statements submitted
  • whether oral or written argument is rendered and the length of the oral statements
  • the complexity of the issues being determined

Tips for Written Evidence & Argument

  • The page limits for all supporting documents are strictly enforced. Any pages over the limit will not be read by the arbitrator. The arbitrator has the authority to deem certain supporting documents inadmissible.
  • All written statements should include the results you are seeking (the written statements) and the evidence you wish to rely on.
  • Clearly indicate the title of the document, your name, the other parties name and the arbitrator.
  • All written evidence and arguments must meet the following requirements:
    • 8 ½” x 11” paper;
    • 1-inch margins;
    • Times New Roman font (or equivalent) at 12-point font;
    • 1.5 line spacing; and
    • Single sided;