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What is parenting coordination?

parenting coordination services - jones divorce law

Parenting coordination is a means to resolve child-related disputes. A Parenting Coordinator is a mental health professional or a lawyer with specialized training in mediation, parenting coordination, and child development. The parent coordinator facilitates communication and cooperation between parents for the purpose of effectively co-parenting their children.

Parenting coordination is intended to provide a fast and cost-effective resolution for ongoing parenting disputes where the fundamental agreement about major decisions, how they are to be reached and when it has been determined whether or not there will be roughly equal parenting time or one party having primary care of the children. Even once these main issues have been decided, some parents run into ongoing conflict and require a quick and cost-effective means to resolve those disagreements.

Our parenting coordination experience

Jones Divorce and Family Law offers parenting coordination services delivered in several different ways so that parties can enroll in the program that best suits their needs. Parties can choose to sign up for parenting coordination that is just to assist parties in reaching an agreement or they can opt to have the parenting coordinator impose a binding decision upon the parties in the event of an impasse. Parties can sign up for parenting coordination services for a term of between six months to two years but only utilize the parenting coordinator in the event a dispute arises and they require professional assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I consider using a Parenting Coordinator in Calgary?

You should consider using a Parenting Coordinator if you and your co-parent frequently have difficulty communicating, need assistance with the interpretation or implementation of a parenting plan, need decisions made about parenting and/or support matters, disagree on aspects of the Parenting Plan, have ongoing conflicts that impact your children, or need assistance in implementing the plan effectively.

What are the steps involved in Parenting Coordination?

  • Jointly choose and confirm a Parenting Coordinator in Calgary.
  • Sign a Parenting Coordination Agreement granting the coordinator arbitration powers. This is not mandatory but most parenting coordinators are given some arbitration powers.
  • Sign a Consent Order appointing the Parenting Coordinator.
  • Attend separate initial meetings to relay background information and outline your concerns, goals and objectives.
  • Participate in parenting coordination sessions to improve communication and resolve disputes.
  • If mediation fails and a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be achieved, arbitration results in a binding award.
  • Parenting Coordination can vary in length, but most typically lasts two years, allowing for ongoing issue resolution with a consistent professional. However, it can be as little as 3 months and as long as indefinite.
  • The coordinator can also address additional needs, like child counselling, through parenting coordination sessions or arbitration.

As family lawyers at Jones Divorce & Family Law, we can help you better understand and navigate these steps, help you prepare for the Parenting Coordination process and/or can help you by acting as your Parenting Coordinator.

Are the decisions made by a Parenting Coordinator in Calgary legally binding?

Yes, Parenting Coordination decisions can be binding if the coordinator has arbitration powers. Under the Arbitration Act of Alberta, any decisions made through arbitration are legally binding. If desired, a parent can request that the Court formalize the arbitration award by filing the Award and/or converting it into a Court Order.

It’s important to note that arbitration decisions can sometimes be appealed to the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, as outlined in the Parenting Coordination Agreement and the Arbitration Act of Alberta (provided that there are grounds to appeal).

If the parents resolve issues by mutual consent during the coordination process, these agreements can be formalized into a Consent Arbitration Award.

How does the court decide on a Parenting Plan if parents cannot agree?

If parents cannot agree on a Parenting Plan, the court will step in to make a decision that prioritizes the child’s best interests. The court carefully considers factors such as the child’s needs, each parent’s ability to meet those needs, and the strength of the child’s relationship with each parent, etc.. Jones Divorce & Family Law lawyers can help you better understand the relevant factors in your case and help you prepare for court or arbitration to maximize your chance of success.

What is the duration of Parenting Coordination terms?

Parenting Coordination in Calgary is typically recommended for a two-year period. This timeframe helps the Parenting Coordinator fully understand your family’s unique dynamics and work through any co-parenting challenges. However, it can be for as little as 3 months and can be indefinite.

During this time, both parents are committed to the process and can only opt-out under special circumstances as defined by the Arbitration Act. This approach ensures that your family receives the consistent support needed to foster a positive co-parenting relationship with the consistency of one professional instead of the time and expense of going to Court to resolve each issue and getting a different Justice each time.

Are the children involved in Parenting coordination?

If both parents agree to the Parenting Coordination Agreement, the Parenting Coordinator may speak with the children if needed. However, this should be approached with great care and only if the coordinator is trained in communicating with children.

Alternatively, the Parenting Coordinator might arrange for the children to receive counselling and consult with their counsellor as necessary to ensure their well-being.

More Questions about Parenting Coordination?

If you have questions or need assistance with Parenting Coordination, contact our experienced family law lawyers for professional guidance tailored to your family’s needs.