Creating A Parenting Plan That Works! Part of a comprehensive parenting plan involves determining how certain parenting decisions will be made. The options are joint decision making, one party having certain decision-making power either overall or only in the event…
Becoming a step parent is one of life’s most difficult challenges. Often, it takes years for blended families to gain the familiarity and comfort of a nuclear family. Do not be discouraged. With the right tools, it’s possible to have…
There are two significant events in one’s life that might drive someone to change their surname: marriage and divorce. The decision to change your name is a very personal one. But what happens if you want to change your child’s…
Tips For Being A Successful Co-Parent It can be very difficult to transition into a co-parenting role after a separation. The best way to navigate this new territory is to create a plan and stick to it. In terms of…
Take Control of Your Financial Future Guest Blog By Jackie Edwards. Jackie specializes in unemployment services and contributes regularly to online forums in her industry. Life can undergo a dramatic change after a divorce. With nearly half of all marriages…
Unmarried Couples Face Legal Challenges If you are in a common law relationship, it’s important to know your rights, especially if you cohabitate. In Alberta, unmarried couples face unique legal challenges enforced by the Adult Interdependent Relationship Act. If you…
Often times, when a parental guardian passes away, issues of accessibility for grandparents arise. There have been many instances of children being taken into the care of other relatives after the passing of one, or both, of their parents and…
If you are going through a separation or divorce, you have most likely have been through, or are about to go through the process of exchanging financial disclosure. This is one of the first steps of the divorce proceedings. Exchanging…
A Parenting coordinator is a mental health professional or a lawyer with specialized training in mediation and child development. Parenting coordinators play a big role in resolving the day-to-day conflicts of divorced parents. They assist as needed and help parties…