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Travel Authorization: How To Ensure Smooth Sailing On Vacation

Travel Authorization: How to Ensure Smooth Sailing on Vacation

The Government of Canada strongly advises that children travelling with only one parent, a grandparent, friend’s parent or other member of the community, carry a consent letter from the non-travelling parents or guardians. This will ensure there are no issues at the boarder when leaving Canada or entering a new country.

What Is a Travel Consent Authorization

A Travel Authorization is a document signed and notarized by a child’s legal guardian providing permission for the child to travel with an adult who is not their legal guardian. While a Travel Authorization is not a legal requirement, it is highly recommended by family law lawyers. The letter states the name and passport information of the child and provides information such as who the child is travelling with, where they are travelling and how long they are travelling. You can find the Government of Canada’s Travel Consent Letter here . This is the letter we recommend to our clients and use frequently for our own children.

Why are Travel Authorizations Important?

As the world changes and travel becomes a more prominent aspect of our lives, it is important to have measures in place to protect the most vulnerable members of our families – our children. Travel Authorizations serve as a protective measure against child abduction and ensures that children cannot be taken into different jurisdictions without their parents’ consent.  If you or the other parent travel frequently to certain countries it is possible to enter into a consent order without requiring the Travel Authorization for each trip. most common countries to include in such an agreement are the United States of America, Mexico, Caribbean, and various Western European countries.

Tips For Travel

If you are planning to travel with your child, it is best practice to provide the non-travelling parent with  as much information about the trip as possible as soon as you know details. You should disclose where and when you will be travelling, how you will be travelling (air, plane, bus), who will be travelling with the child and all of the necessary contact information for where you will be staying during your trip. Providing an in-depth itinerary of your travel will put the non-travelling parent at ease and ensure a happy and safe holiday for everyone.

If you need help obtaining a Travel Authorization, connect with us today.


Disclaimer: The content provided in the blog posts of Jones Divorce & Family Law is general information and should not be considered legal advice. Please contact a lawyer for legal advice tailored to your specific situation. All articles are current as of their original publication date.