In Alberta, child support is typically calculated using the Federal Child Support Guidelines. However, simply using the federal guidelines may not be perfectly accurate. One factor to consider is non-wage income such as bonuses and severance payments. In these cases,…
Taking the first steps towards filing for divorce are often the hardest. You are wading into unchartered territory and flipping your world as you know it on it's head. Even those who have been considering filing for divorce for a…
Hard Conversations Are Important Conversations for Families Telling your children about getting a divorce will be a difficult conversation. Divorce is a complex matter and will impact every single member of your family in a different way. As such, it…
Social Media Has Had a Profound Impact on Our Marriages and Divorces The rise of social media and technology has redefined the way we communicate with those around us. It has made staying in touch with long distance relatives much…
Separation and divorce proceedings can be an emotional endeavour and it can be difficult to stay focused on your goals and objectives if things turn petty and the other party starts mud slinging to get what they want. This is…
Owning A Company Means You Have A Higher Disclosure Obligation Section 3 child support is typically a straight forward calculation because the Federal Child Support Guidelines set the amount of child support payable based upon an equation of factors. The…
Our Calgary Mediators Provide Insight Into How You Can Help Your Friend Through A Divorce If someone you love confides in you about divorce it can be a little difficult to know what to say to comfort them or how…
Divorce Lawyers are not all created equal and it is important for those retaining legal counsel to understand what to look for in a divorce lawyer when attending an initial consultation. We surveyed our office for the top 5 tips…
Does the Income of both Parents Impact Child Support? Child support is money paid by one party to another upon the breakdown of a relationship in order to ensure the financial needs of a child are met. The amount of…