Preparing For Your Initial Consultation With Calgary Family Law Lawyers
Preparing for an initial consultation with a family law lawyer in Calgary may feel overwhelming and intimidating.
At Jones Divorce and Family Law, we understand that you are going through one of the most significant life events you will ever face. We strive to ensure that you feel empowered to make informed legal decisions. Below is an outline of how to best prepare for your initial consultation with a family lawyer in Calgary.
Retaining One of Our Calgary Family Law Lawyers
The first step in retaining legal counsel is selecting a family lawyer in Calgary for an initial consultation. With so many different types of law and lawyers practicing within family law, it is a good idea to research, look at reviews online, or ask for referrals.
If you have used a lawyer for another matter, even for real estate, they may be able to provide names of reputable family law lawyers in Calgary. When selecting a family law lawyer, don’t be shy! Call around a few different firms to find hourly rates and availability. A friendly receptionist will tell you a lot about the firm’s overall professionalism and give you a good indication of the type of people representing you.
What to Bring to Your Initial Consultation
What you need to bring to the initial consultation with one of our family lawyers in Calgary will vary depending on your unique situation and what you are looking for from your family lawyer.
For example, a client seeking adoption will have different needs than a client initiating divorce proceedings. The most typical initial consultation our Calgary family law lawyers deal with is the divorce process, so we will provide tips based on this situation. However, always feel free to ask the receptionist or the lawyer’s legal assistant if you have any specific questions about what to bring. When in doubt – bring it – if your lawyer doesn’t believe it is relevant, they will let you know, and there is no harm in being over-prepared.
- Make and bring a list of all your assets and liabilities;
- Bring any essential or urgent financial information;
– For example: if your house is listed for sale or just sold, or if your partner is dissipating funds from a particular account, bring a statement to show these changes;
– Note: Your family law lawyer will ask you to collect complete financial disclosure, and they will provide a list of everything they need, so don’t worry about all your accounts at this time – just anything urgent - Your Pre-Nuptial Agreement or Cohabitation Agreement, if relevant;
- If this is your second marriage, bring your Divorce Judgment from your previous divorce; and
- You will eventually need your original marriage certificate, so if you need to order a new one, it’s a good idea to do this now.
Prepare a List of Issues to Be Resolved
Consider any urgent issues that need to be addressed on a preliminary basis. This may include a child or spousal support, a parenting plan and what you will do with the house.
Your family lawyer in Calgary can assist you by prioritizing these matters to ensure your well-being during the separation period. If you and your partner have agreed on specific issues or resolution processes, ensure you advise your legal counsel so that they can put these agreements into action. The more you and your spouse can agree to on your own, the lower your legal fees will be and the less conflict you will encounter during this process.
Jones Divorce and Family Law
Here at Jones Divorce and Family Law, we aim to minimize the emotional and financial strain of divorce. Our firm was created for clients who want meaningful access to justice through quality, binding resolutions – with the option to proceed with or without lawyers.
Learn more about us, or book a consultation with us today.
Disclaimer: The content provided in the blog posts of Jones Divorce & Family Law is general information and should not be considered legal advice. Please contact a lawyer for legal advice tailored to your specific situation. All articles are current as of their original publication date.