Ainsley completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009 and her Law Degree in 2012 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Following graduation, Ainsley articled with Legal Aid Manitoba and was called to the Manitoba bar in 2013. While in Manitoba, Ainsley gained a wealth of litigation and other experience having practiced in the areas of Family law, Adoptions, Child Protection, Wills and Estates and Residential Real Estate before relocating to Calgary in early 2015. Ainsley has experience in various levels of Court in both Manitoba and Alberta, including Small Claims Court, and both Provincial Court and the Court of King’s Bench in both Manitoba and Alberta.
Since relocating to Alberta, Ainsley has continued to expand her experience advocating for clients at the Provincial Court of Alberta and Court of King’s Bench of Alberta as well as in private mediation and arbitration. Ainsley understands the stresses placed upon a family in the midst of a separation or divorce and is passionate about ensuring that her clients have a good understanding of the legal issues that arise out of their specific situations. She strives to provide a service that is both time and cost efficient to each and every client while ensuring that clients feel their voice is heard. She is committed to ensuring that her clients’ interests and needs are understood and feels that the best interests of her clients can be promoted through alternative dispute resolution processes. However, Ainsley also understands that in certain situations, Court intervention may be necessary. In addition to providing clients with assistance during their entire family matter Ainsley is happy to assist clients with the preparation of their wills and estate planning.
Beyond the practice of law, Ainsley is the mother to three wonderful sons, and enjoys spending her spare time hiking, skiing, and travelling.
Professional Associations
Canadian Bar Association
Calgary Bar Association
Association of Women Lawyers
Law Society of Alberta